After I got some hints from caring or anxious people that I might have used copyright problematic pictures in my contributions, I decided with a heavy heart to accept a certain mutilation of some of my previous contributions and to put the pictures in question on ice. Especially in my early days I was not yet interested in the copyright issue. I wanted to try things out, to work my way through what was already there, and so on. A publication was not at all in sight. Now with this website this has changed and I hope I will learn everything necessary for it. But it also applies here: learning by doing! But it also applies here: learning by doing! In any case, I don’t want to wear a foreign laurel on my head. But I think that like in HipHop with its samples it would be possible to define painterly samples as it was done with musical samples, which also allow visual art to create images in the spirit of our contemporary culture of creativity. Soon I will add more here.